Grand Canyon——大峡谷之旅2 上山

人呢,所有的memubers,都来吧。IMG_2554我和leader来一张,呵呵。IMG_2548回来又是一路慢跑。这次我就只有垫底了。 IMG_2569天气越来越热,仙人掌在享受阳光。我感觉头皮麻木了。IMG_2560Marshall 没有头发,用湿衣服裹头,可降温防晒,可怜我被曝晒。 IMG_2587这几个估计是英国来的贵族,印第安人当向导,骑着马一路晃晃悠悠下来。真舒服啊。IMG_2590等等我吧,我实在追不上了。IMG_2599天气已经非常热了,都累了。 IMG_2610跑着下去,爬着上来!加油。咬牙爬路,休息看景。 IMG_2624看到地坪线了! IMG_2660中午的大峡谷。 阳光是充足充足地。IMG_2661


In June I went to the Grand Canyon with some friends.

We stayed at a simple camp.

The best part of the trip was a hike down into the Grand Canyon.

We walked and jogged 6.1 miles from Angel’s Landing to Plateau Point.

From here, we could look down and see the Colorado River.

Then we hiked back to Angel’s Landing.

It was a very fast hike.

Our leader, Marshal, is 61 years old. 

But he was in very good shape.

I couldn’t believe how fast he was walking.

This experience was very special for me.

There are many AMERICANS who have not hiked into the Grand Canyon.

It was a privilege to go!

It is important to have the right equipment for hiking.

You must have good boots and good socks.

Also, when you are hiking, you must drink a lot of water to remain hydrated and continue to eat healthy snacks for calories and energy!

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