How to calculate NDVI

How to calculate NDVI is a big problem. I am confused very much. There are three methods about this.


Method one

Calculate using function NDVI=(NIR-RED)/ =(NIR+RED)

Step 1: Calculating Reflectance value from the Satellite data

ρλ’ = M ρQ cal + A ρ

ρλ’ = TOA planetary reflectance, without correction for solar angle. Note that ρλ’ does not contain a correction for the sun angle.

M ρ = Band-specific multiplicative rescaling factor from the metadata (Reflectance_Mult_Band_x, where x is the band number)

A ρ = Band-specific additive rescaling factor from the metadata (Reflectance_Add_Band_x, where x is the band number)

Q cal = Quantized and calibrated standard product pixel values (DN).

Step 2: Correcting the Reflectance value with sun angle

ρλ = ρλ ‘/cos θSZ = ρλ ‘/sin θSE

ρλ = TOA planetary reflectance

θSE = Local sun elevation angle. The scene center sun elevation angle in degrees is provided in the metadata (Sun Elevation).

θSZ = Local solar zenith angle; θSZ = 90° – θSE.

Step 3: Calculating NDVI from 4th and 5thbands

Find NDVI we use the formula of


We called this result “NDVI1”


Method two

Download it directly from website.

We called this result “NDVI2”;


Method three

Download Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance data product on website

Use formula of


We got “NDVI3”.


Bur for the same pixel, three results are different. For example LC80420352015194LGN00, this is the location where grape planted(Geo: 36°27’31.41″N,119°34’48.798″W).

REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_n = 2.0000E-05, REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_n = -0.100000, sun elevation= 66.80954488.

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
sr_NDVI 7263 cfmask 0
BQA 20480 sr_EVI 4808 cfmask_conf 1
B1 10695 sr_band1 236 toa_band1 1239
B2 9765 sr_band2 315 toa_band2 1037
B3 9160 sr_band3 573 toa_band3 905
B4 8471 sr_band4 549 toa_band4 755
B5 20246 sr_band5 3298 toa_band5 3317
B6 15043 sr_band6 2254 toa_band6 2185
B7 10680 sr_band7 1341 toa_band7 1236
B8 8814  
B9 5051 toa_band9 11
B10 28974            
B11 26161
sr_cloud 16
0.6291 0.7263 0.7146

What’s the different among the three ndvi results?

For the peach orchard, I compared the NDVI2 and NDVI 3 in 2013-2015 using the average value of nine pixels. It seems that NDVI 3 is smaller that NDVI 2.

This might be cause by different version of products.

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