My first SCI



2022年05月24日 15:05

published today

2022年05月23日 20:24 (星期一)

Could you please provide us a new Figure 7 and Figure 8, whit revised Scientific notation (e.g., 0.04e-3 should be 0.04 × 10-3). I am  looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.



2022年05月22日 08:31 (星期日)

Proofreading has been completed,校对完成



2022年05月21日 10:23 (星期六)

Final Proofreading Before Publication

Download the manuscript from the link provided at the end of this message and upload the final proofed version at the same link within 24 hours (1 working day)



2022年05月20日 16:53 (星期五)

Payment Confirmation

2022年05月20日 16:08 (星期五)

payment and invoice

2022年05月20日 14:27 (星期五)

Accepted for Publication

2022年05月18日 15:26 (星期三)

Revised Version Received

2022年05月18日 14:48 (星期三)

Manuscript Resubmitted





2022年05月14日 19:37 (星期六)

专家意见返回,大修 Major Revisions

Please revise the manuscript according to the referees’ comments and upload

the revised file within 7 days.

Please use the version of your manuscript found at the above link for your


(I) Please check that all references are relevant to the contents of the


(II) Any revisions to the manuscript should be marked up using the “Track

Changes” function if you are using MS Word/LaTeX, such that any changes can

be easily viewed by the editors and reviewers.

(III) Please provide a cover letter to explain, point by point, the details

of the revisions to the manuscript and your responses to the referees’


(IV) If you found it impossible to address certain comments in the review

reports, please include an explanation in your rebuttal.

(V) The revised version will be sent to the editors and reviewers.

2022年04月12日 19:22 (星期二)

Assistant Editor Assigned

Your paper has been assigned to Jovana Rasuo, who will be your main point of

contact as your paper is processed further.

2022年04月12日 13:46 (星期二)


Submission Received

第二部分:Ray 修改阶段

2022年04月12日 02:03 (星期二)


Sorry for the delay in responding.  I made very minor changes in the abstract.  Otherwise, the manuscript is ready for submission.

Please find attached a list of potential reviewers and a draft cover letter.  Please put the cover letter on your university’s letterhead when submitting the manuscript.



2022年03月09日 09:41 (星期三)



2022年02月11日 08:00 (星期五)

Thursday, February 10, 2022 4:01 PM

Subject: Paper for special issue?

Dear Drs. X

We noticed your special issue in Water, and we have a manuscript under preparation titled “Spatiotemporal distribution of drought based on the standardized precipitation index and cloud models in the Haihe Plain, China” that we think would be a good fit for this special issue.  I have attached a pdf with a list of authors and a tentative abstract.

We have the manuscript largely completed, but we wanted to get your feedback that you would welcome this submission before finalizing the text.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  We look forward to hearing from you.



2022年02月10日 14:22 (星期四)

Hi Xudong,

I have given a preliminary review of the revised manuscript.  I think the major changes have been sufficient.  I appreciate the improvements in the figures, the revised references, and the other major changes.  While there are some remaining grammatical and editorial changes, I think they are relatively minor.  I will send an email in the next few days detailing these.

In the meantime, I will contact the guest editors of the special issue in Water and see how receptive they are to this article. As such, you will be CCd on this email.  We will assess our approach based on their response.

2021年12月18日 06:42 (星期六)



2021年10月25日 09:51 (星期一)



2021年10月20日 06:07 (星期三)


Dear Dr. Zhang, Reviewers’ comments on your work have now been received.  You will see that they are advising against publication of your work. Therefore I must reject the manuscript as is but I encourage you to resubmit the manuscript. The reviewers’ comments can be found at the end of this email or can be accessed in the Editorial Manager website. Your username is: zxxddd If you forgot your password, you can click the ‘Send Login Details’ link on the EM Login page at Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work. Yours sincerely Zaitao Pan, Ph. D. Atmospheric and Ocean SciencesEditorPure and Applied Geophysics COMMENTS FOR THE AUTHOR: Reviewer #1: After the first round of revision, this manuscript has gained some improvement but problem is still serious. I cannot recommend ‘accept’ at the current stage. Since too many errors still exist and the manuscript is far from the shape for publication, I did not check the manuscript word by word. An annotated pdf is attached to show some minor suggestions. Major problems are as follows:1.Please pay carefulness to your work. Numerous mistakes still exist in the manuscript, including English errors, expression errors, logic errors, and style problem. Just in the abstract, more than 10 errors are found.2.Make the introduction as brief as possible, delete irrelevant statements, focus on existing problems, motivation, what to be achieved, and the meaning of achieving this.3.It is not seven timescales. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are of the same time scale, i.e, the seasonal scale. 4.Please state clearly the scientific merit of your study in the introduction and conclusion.5.English should be greatly improved. I cannot believe this manuscript has been revised by an English professionals. Editor’s comments: Aside from what the reviewer pointed out, the work seems too similar to other studies, including lengthy description of some common statistical tools. If you decide to resubmit, please focus more on the physical explanations of why the temporal-spatial variabilities occur.

2021年04月27日 20:04 (星期二)


Dear Dr. Zhang:We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of the revised version of your manuscript, “Spatio-temporal distribution of drought based on the standardized precipitation index and cloud models in the Haihe Plain, China”, submitted to Pure and Applied Geophysics.   The manuscript number is PAAG-D-20-00379R1.

2021年03月15日 03:48 (星期一)


Based on the advice received, I will consider your paper for publication after major revision.

24 Jul 2020


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